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All@C Ukulele group from Bude, North Cornwall

Back in March 2020, I asked for ukulele groups to get in touch so I could feature them here on the Noah Ukuleles blog. I had some lovely responses from uke groups in Purbeck and Corfe Hills and also heard from The Bukes and Last of the Summer Ukes. I thought it would be nice to revisit this feature and in a recent email newsletter, I asked for more of you to get in touch and tell me how you about your ukulele community. I was thrilled to receive the email below from Keith Kennard, who tole me all the wonderful All@C Ukulele group based in Bude, North Cornwall.

Here is what Keith had to say:

“Hi Matt. Our group started in 2016 and comprised half a dozen ladies within U3A of whom only 2 had any knowledge of ukulele or stringed instruments.  I joined a few months later, the first chap to enter the ground occupied by some keen but struggling ladies.  I’d played guitar for 30 years before and had been learning and playing uke for my own pleasure for 4 years by then, not knowing that their group existed.

As a group of mostly seniors either retired or semi retired now numbering 37, we meet every Wednesday morning for practice/rehearsal. As we were forbidden within U3A to collect donations for any other charity we became fully independent and Bude Ukulele Group became a community group known as All@C.  As we’re a coastal town the name works in so many ways, including that initially all songs were in one key!
Our leader and founder member, Lindsey Sandilands has a choral background and tries to keep us in order. She was unwell for the best part of a year from 2023 into 2024 so Paul ?  and myself stepped up to the plate, he looked after the vocal side (he counts so well you know) and I led the music.  Lindsey is now back with “the band of my heart”.

We play in care homes, memory cafes, schools, festivals (e.g. the local Heritage Festival), village fetes and Revels together with the occasional theatre charity concert.  Last time out we topped the bill and Mr Blue Sky was a challenge but well received.  We also have a weekly spot on Bude Bandstand every Thursday morning during the summer months. We never charge a fee but suggest that  donations for the charity are always welcome.

Our chosen charity is Cornwall Air Ambulance but we often play “over the border” and happily raise money for Devon Air Ambulance too.  Just don’t mention Jam and cream or cream and jam scones.  At the last count we had raised over £6000 since we started and are aiming to make it £10 000 by our 10th year.

Bude is a coastal resort, so any ukulele players are most welcome to join us if you remembered to pack your uke!

You can contact the Bude Ukulele group either through their website or Facebook page.